game of life
After approximately 18 hours I will hold a glass in my hand and pour some wine into it. We are going to have a battle in Trivial Pursuit at our place with a few friends.
I browsed through some random old kitchen/home/wine related photos and remembered the awesome grey houseplant I had in my kitchen last fall. If only I had known how to take care of it - the plant shrunk to death in about two weeks. But the silent beauty of that little grey shrub... sigh.
all that - hands down
I came across something visually very, VERY cool. It's called The Material Group. In their own words an interactive design and development studio. Check out their summarizing video on Vimeo here. The music blew my mind! All that makes me more and more interested in 3D graphics and animation. But how come everything that comes from Chicago is so freaking cool??
Collage made from screenshots from Vimeo - too bad you can't share the video here in Blogger.
I'm in need of new knobs for my dear old drawer because the old knobs have partly gone lost or are just about to fall down. Doesn't help trying to tighten them up. But now I'm totally in love (!) with these antique-looking knobs. Down here you can see where the short process started from:
And next the results. Looks good I think!
DEEN iT show at the International Cultural Centre Caisa
Tomorrow after work I'm heading to a fashion show where my friend Aaminah is going to be the head of design for her new scarf collection. And this is the second time already! Today there was also an article in Metro newspaper and I felt so proud!

Remember the DEEN iT purple logo? It's made by me. :) Next some pictures of the last year's show at Caisa. This time Aaminah (in the picture on right) will launch the collection by herself.
And here is the today's article on Metro newspaper (with quite small font and only in Finnish unfortunately).
Now go and click LIKE on DEEN iT facebook page!! :)
// In addition: the next day there was also an interview with great pictures in Helsingin Sanomat. Nice! ;D
for the upcoming Valentine's Day
when it's cold
It's totally possible to wear shorts at winter if you just take good care of the rest of the leg. My dear knitted pattern leggings keep me warm out there - multiple layers underneath are needed if it gets really cold.
25 today
My friend turned 25 today and I sent him this. We are planning a four-person trip to Croatia next summer and that gave me the idea for the card.
original photo from sxc.hu
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